Sciaenochromis - An extremely aggressive genus home to the popular Sciaenochromis freyeri (aka. ahli), or, "Electric Blue Ahli". These fish are polygamous mouthbrooders from Lake Malawi. Males which are housed in tanks too small can become "Hyperdominant", so this species is not recommended for tanks smaller than 75 gallons, 100+ being preferred. This genus is predatory, and will easily consume Cichlid fry. (Formerly Haplochromis) |
 Sciaenochromis freyeri "Ahli" (Maleri Island White Blaze) |
Taeniochromis - A large predatory genus from Lake Malawi. Moderately aggressive, but because of its large size, 75 gallons as a minimum, 100+ preferable. A polygamous mouthbrooder. (Formerly Haplochromis)
Telmatochromis - This genus from Lake Tanganyika could be considered larger Julidochromis. They are monogamous substrate spawners, and are micro predators. Because of the slightly larger size than their cousins, they should be housed in tanks at least 30 gallons. They are relatively peaceful. |
 Telmatochromis vittatus |
Trematocranus - Some Aulonocara (Peacocks such as A. jacobfreibergi & A. sp. "Eureka" ) have been placed in this genus on and off by various authors. Both are from Lake Malawi. After seeing Trematocranus placodon (a.k.a. Lethrinops placodon) live, there are subtle differences between this and Aulonocara. Overall, the biggest difference between the two is size. Trematocranus attain larger sizes than Aulonocara. They also have a slightly different shape to their bodies. These fishes are polygamous mouthbrooders, and, we assume, are also micro-predators of sorts. Because of their larger size, they are not recommended to be kept in tanks smaller than 55 gallons, 75+ being preferable. They are more peaceful, however. Only males in this genus exhibit gaudy coloration.